Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Random Thoughts While The Kids Are Away...


I'm certain this is the first time, in 6 years, that my husband and I have been alone, at home, together. The kids are at camp this week (see below) and we are alone in a quiet, cozy, comfortable house - enjoying each other's company without interruption. Is this what life will be like when all the kids are gone? It's great! ... And, of course, I'm not quite ready for them to be gone completely.


For the last 9 or 10 years, every summer, I have gone to camp for a week in July. My task has been to be a counselor, teacher, camp mom (to some), friend, spiritual mentor, shoulder to cry on .... You get the idea. I have enjoyed my involvement and benefited more than those I have served.

This year I didn't go. It was a prayerful decision, made during the winter, to turn my attention another direction. Do I miss it? Some of it. (Mostly the people I have come to love.) There are of course things I don't miss; having only 3-5 hours of sleep at night and going non-stop all day comes to mind.

God bless those of you who are caring for my children and the others that I love. You are in my prayers.


Our oldest went to the Singing School at ACU last week. He stayed in an apartment and was basically independent for the week. The school has many adults and one shared his apartment, but did not take on a parental role with him. He really was independent.

A mom's anxiety did show itself at one point, but 1) we trust God to take care of him, 2) we have trained him and trust him, 3) he wasn't going to have much free time, if he attended all of his classes, 4) he is in the habit of getting up with an alarm and taking care of his business, and 5) he was really excited about the school and all he would learn. We had to give him to God (again) and trust that God would take care of him.

Of course he did great. It was great to see him take this step, even if it is a step away from us. That is the price of training our children to be independent (from us) and dependent (on God).


What great fun! It is amazing what a group of people can accomplish when they are dedicated to sharing God with children. Our group did a fabulous job; cookie ladies, teachers, group leaders, song leaders, registration, crafts, sports - it all went very well! Exciting what God can do through us.

Harry Potter.

I finished the last Harry Potter book today. It was an enjoyable (and fast) read. It is nice to eavesdrop into the lives of these characters again.

May you know God's presence in your life today and every day.



jenny said...

Well, our house is one memeber less this week. I can't imagine being child free yet! But then again, I am thinking I ought ot take a go at Camp myself, maybe next year . . .

I finished THE book at about 7 this morning. Heehee! I need ot add a post about it on my blog. Larry and I were fighting over the book as we read it together. I would have finished yesterday, but Larry took it to work with him! J was not allowed to take the one family copy to camp with him . . .

So? Did you feel satitsfied? I have been talking to someone else about all the Biblical allusions that could be drawn out of this book. Especially the Chapter called The Forest Again (I think?).

jenny said...

Should have had a spell check in Blogger comments! I was too anxious to hit that publish button! ;-)

Larry Adams said...

Beth, I have the same feelings about camp. It feels weird not being there We knew early on that the Games of Texas would be this weekend and I knew that B was disappointed last year at qualifying and not be able to go.

So, after getting a sense of her committment I made the decision to send J on to camp without me this year. Like you, I do miss the camp experience but it turned out to be the right decision since now I will be able to be there to see my little girl compete in the shot put Saturday. Yes, that is right, my tiny little daughter is a very enthusiastic shot putter!

She moved up to the "10 & Under" division this year, which is the youngest division that has shot put. She decided at the beginning of the summer track & field season that she wanted to try it. Now, she gets to go to the state championship meet! Yea!!