River City is in trouble. We’re not in trouble because we don’t have a band and our children are going bad, rather it’s because of our inability to create a place for God in our lives and invite him to stay without running him out later when something better comes along.
As many of you know, I have struggled with consistently pursuing my own spiritual development. This has, in part, led me to the master’s degree that I’m working on.
I have for some time wanted to evaluate my spiritual life, but have not really known how. I know that I’m not where I’d like to be, but, I wanted something more concrete to look at. As a part of the next course, we are completing this type of assessment. The assessment tool is the Spiritual Growth Planner from the Spiritual Disciplines Handbook : Practices That Transform Us by Adele Calhoun. This is a subjective measure since I am rating myself, but it was eye-opening just the same.
We started with a description of where we are in our desire for each of the categories (your turn below). Then, each category had 2-3 thought questions followed by 4 questions to rate yourself. The section ended by asking which of the 4 questions created a strong desire within me.
Part 1
Here‘s your opportunity. Where are you in your desire to:
Worship the Trinity | |
Open Yourself to God | |
Relinquish the False Self and Idols of Your Heart | |
Share Your Life | |
Hear God’s Word | |
Incarnate the Love of Christ | |
Pray Your Life | |
Here’s mine:
Worship the Trinity | A grateful response to God that shows itself in worship (among other things). |
Open Yourself to God | I long to lay myself bare; to give God free reign in the interior of my heart. |
Relinquish the False Self and Idols of Your Heart | As I am open, the crutches of the past show themselves as they really are, worthless. |
Share Your Life | As I am open, I share my life with others – with words or silence as God leads. |
Hear God’s Word | Open myself to what God is saying in his Word. |
Incarnate the Love of Christ | Live my open life, doing God’s will, serving, and loving. |
Pray Your Life | With an open heart, I pray as led by the Spirit. |
Notice this is about desire, not about what I am competent at or what I have accomplished.
Part 2
Here is a sampling of the questions to consider. How would you rate yourself (1-4) on these:
Worship the Trinity
I am aware of God’s presence in my life, confident of his love for me and intentionally celebrate our connection.
Worshipping with fellow believers gives me a deep sense of joy and God’s presence.
Open Yourself to God
I regularly and intentionally make space in my life for prayerfully listening to God at home, at work and with others.
I can admit my mistakes, weaknesses and growing edges to God as well as others.
Relinquish the False Self and Idols of Your Heart
I am able to leave the crowded, noisy world of acclaim and doing behind, retreating into silence and solitude with God and letting him restore me.
I recognize my addictions and compulsions, and am committed to living free of them.
Share Your Life
I have a relationship with someone who helps me grow in my spiritual walk.
I am not judgmental toward others. I know how to make peace and deal with anger in constructive ways. I am not argumentative and contentious.
Hear God’s Word
On a regular basis I am nourished by spending time with God and his Word.
I have a plan for reading scripture.
Incarnate the Love of Christ
I know my gifts and contribute then to the kingdom of God. I am more concerned about building God’s kingdom than my own.
People with problems, needs, sorrows and losses seek me out. They know I care.
Pray My Life
My prayer life is not mostly about myself and my needs.
I am aware of how God speaks to me, and I know how to listen to God and recognize his voice.
Part 3
Which of the categories or questions really struck your heart? Did you find a place where your heart was cold? What will you do with those?
Though this isn’t the complete assessment, it will give you a taste of the richness of this tool.
Beth: This is Dr. Lamport. I am hoping by now the SAU people have figured out the glitch with your email. I have, as you intuited, responded to each message you sent me, often within minutes. But somehow you are only receiving some of them. I can see you have received your grade for the first journal entry. A guy from SAU called me today -- Dale, I think -- and said that you were having trouble. I am receiving messages from the others and messages from you too. So sorry for the frustration you must feel. I even sent an email earlier today offering an extension for your faith practices assignment, but I see in the email you sent late this afternoon that you have been able to attend a mass. We will hope that the technical problems can be resolved presently, but if not we will do our best to communicate so you can enjoy your course experience. All of this is of course due to no fault of your own. I am here to serve, that is, when you can reach me! Sincerely, Dr. Lamport
Hi Beth-- These are some really good questions. I'm applying to SAU for the MSFL fall '08. I googled around some and found your blogs. Hope you don't mind my peeking in. It's great to see other people interested in the things I'm passionate about!
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my site, it is about the CresceNet, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . A hug.
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Servidor, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://servidor-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
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