Friday, August 17, 2007

It's almost here . . .

School starts in about a week - for the kids and for me. For me, I think they actually have everything ready a week early, so I can start next week. I'm just waiting on my books to arrive.

Work is a blessing. I feel very competent and fulfilled in my work. I thank God for providing this place to work so that I can pay for school. He is amazing!

I received a book from the school that I am required to read before school begins. It is called "In the Name of Jesus" by Henry Nouwen. This books has really reset my thoughts about my personal growth into "Christ-like-ness." I have great hopes for the next three years.

If you would, please pray for me, my heart to be soft and humble, my fellow students (there are a max of 16 of us in the program) and our professors.

Thank you!


1 comment:

jenny said...

I'm checking my blogs tonight, and there you were with a new one. ;-)
It's an exciting time---the start of a new year, but this is really a new start for you, so I can imagine the excitement and the scared feelings you might have, too. I'll pray you're open to all the possibilities God's putting before you.