Monday, May 14, 2007

The Next Step

After finding a Master's program, getting a job to pay for school and being accepted into the MSFL program, I am now at The Next Step; getting a new computer.

We all now can have our collective *moan* because you probably hate getting a new computer as much as I do. I spent four years getting my laptop computer just the way I wanted it and now I have a new one. Of course the old one was sick (components stopped working and the computer would die periodically for no reason at all), but if feels like starting over again with a new relationship - which is a topic for another day.

Really, I'm very excited to get a new computer. It is bright and shiny and has all the necessary bells and whistles. I may regret that I'm running Vista, but, so far (2 days) I'm happy with my choice. Computers are *much* cheaper than when I bought my last one, so that was a pleasant part of this process.

This process is forcing me to stay in the "learning mode." As I prepare my computer to be used the way I like to, I am having to learn new things and push myself to understand how things have changed over the last few years (software and hardware). I'm sure that will be helpful when the fall arrives and I seriously need to be in learning mode. I do have an old book list for my first classes and I've started reading already. What fun it will be!

I do have to make a serious confession, here and now:

I am one of those people who loves school. I loves school supplies and usually can't wait until the beginning of the semester so I can start school again.

Whew, I feel better now, getting that off of my chest. I know I'm in the minority here, but school is cool for me. I guess a new computer is kind of like buying school supplies. Fall is in the air. I can feel it!

Thanks for taking this journey with me.

May you know God's presence in your life today and every day.

1 comment:

jenny said...

I don't want to be your only commenter---but here I am again!

I love school, too. But I think you know that about me already. I think I'd like getting more memory for my computer, but not the whole thing---I have too much stuff stored on this one that I reference often.

Have fun with your new beginnings.