Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day

What a great day. We had a surprise visit from some old friends, a quiet morning at home and an afternoon of one of our top activities - a visit to the bookstore. (We like to think of the bookstore as our private reading room.)

This day cannot pass without considering its true meaning; remembering those who have died in military service to our country. Days like this stir a patriotism in me that overcomes even my most sarcastic moments. The men and women who have served and do serve our country, especially in times of war, deserve the ultimate respect and honor. I do freely give mine to you. My God bless each of you.

For all the families of those who have died, your sacrifice is appreciated ... by me and many like me who are the (often) silent majority. Thank you. May you, especially today, know God's presence in your life.

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